Exhibit 1-6

Exhibit 1-6 (2013) consists of movement phrases generated by improvisational tasks. Choreographer Aska Sakuta worked with six dancers over a seven-month period of time to explore some of the training methods used in Japanese traditional dance. The Japanese performing arts tradition emphasizes the importance of a dancer's cognitive engagement with the execution of movement. In the performance, dancers present their task-based movement, while also reacting to audience 'touch'. The performance takes the format of a 'human installation', in which dancers are placed in their own 'exhibit' space, and the audience is welcome to observe, touch, and interact with each of the 'exhibits'.

Choreography: Aska Sakuta
Dancers: Kimberly Bridgewater, Samantha Matsumoto, Raymond Naval, Tracy Shen, John Snyder, Bret Yamanaka
Live music: Martim S. Galvão
Lighting Design: Naomi Winch
Stage Manager: Kristen Coen